Our lifelong journey with forests

We are one of Finland’s largest providers of sawn and further processed products. Since 1976, we have been a forerunner in our industry and have a strong belief in the demand for professionally treated wood.

Forests and wood support future generations

Values guide our operations

Our values guide all our operations and form the core of our strategy. These values form the basis of our daily operations and help to take us forward together.

Our values are trust, the courage to renew, responsibility, the joy of working and activeness.

Our vision

Our future is in wood. As one of the most diverse renewable and reusable raw materials, it allows us to build a sustainable tomorrow.

We believe that the professional processing of wood will continue to see strong demand. As a customer-oriented and agile provider, we aim at being a forerunner and role model for our entire industry.

Luvian Saha Oy:n toiminta käynnistyi vuonna 1976, kun Matti Huhtamaa ja Jukka Lehtonen ostivat sahan Erkki Haulalta. Omistajavaihdoksessa Haulan sahasta tuli Luvian Saha Oy. Yhtiötä kohtasivat alkuvuosina myös takaiskut, sillä saha paloi kesäkuussa 1979 täysin. Suomalaisen puutavaran voimakkaasti kasvanut ulkomainen tarve loi kuitenkin kysyntää, joten yritys nousi jaloilleen ja on perustamisestaan asti kasvanut tasaisesti investoiden.  Vuonna 1997 yrityksen koko osakekanta siirtyi Huhtamaan perheelle. Kasvu on jatkunut tähän päivään asti ja jatkuu edelleen tasaisena.
Growth throughout its history  

Luvia was established as a family-owned company in 1976. Since its start, the company has grown steadily with investments made possible by a strong demand for Finnish wood around the world. As of April 29, 2022, HS Timber Group acquired 100% of the shares in the Finnish sawmill Luvian Saha Oy (www.hs.at).

Local and global

Over the years, our personal customer relationships, responsible supply chain and an appreciation of Finnish forests have made us a preferred and long-term partner. Our solid reputation is known throughout the world. From the start of our operations, we have exported sustainably grown, sawn and further processed wood products from forests in western Finland to five different continents.

In 2022, the company will produce 315,000 m3 of sawn timber along with 45,000 m3 of further processed wood products. The company’s net sales is about EUR 100 million with 120 employees. The share of exports account for 85% of all deliveries to over 32 different countries.